Ananya - The Label
Core Values At 'Ananya - The Label' or ATL, we create art, and struggle to make it wearable. The idea is to make clothes that move with you, compliment you by highlighting who you already are, and what you stand for. A piece of cloth has no say in who should wear it, at the end of the day it is just a garment. If you like it you should wear it.Thus, genderless clothing is at the core of our brand philosphy. A true piece of art takes time, skill and magic. It is a slow process. We, at ATL, strive to be the flag bearers of the slow lifestyle, without maintaining any stocks, and each piece created on order for you. A reminder to pause, along with a reminder to be kind to the planet, and communities sustaining craft. We take pride in our ethically sourced and created, 100% natural production. As you wear a garment made by ATL, we hope you feel the connection to your roots, as you look towards tomorrow, while breathing in the present, that is a gift. Inspirations As a designer , Ananya Arora likes to draw his inspiration from various abstracts, philosophies or feelings that are relatable to some extent to every being, no matter where their roots lie. He has has explored concepts concepts like conversations to discover self, the stillness of the mountains and the certain tranquility of the summer. By making them tangible, in the form of wearable art is what gives birth to the collections at ATL. Fabric Portfolio When we talk sustainability, there is certain image that flashes. The organic cotton, basic shape fashion. At ATL, we want to redefine sustainable fashion by introducing textiles that are of tomorrow. Building a portfolio in fabrics like : Hemp Hemp mesh Hemp khadi Linen Recycled cotton Organic cotton Vegan Silk and this keeps growing with each collection along with our own expanding knowledge and resources. We want to build a brand that celebrates age old techniques of handwoven fabric along with future of environmentally responsible textiles.